Our Voyage through the years
What started off as an act of self-determination by a motley crew of Bengalis in Cincinnati ten years ago, became an unstoppable juggernaut of cultural expressions in the ensuing years. Looking back, we think we were correct in choosing our motto: “Together We Can”.
We had our humble beginnings, like any other organization. We were content with a small idol for our celebrations, but we didn’t compromise on our festive spirit and enjoyment. It was sheer determination and self-belief that let us graduate in three years, from a boxed, framed idol of Ma Durga, to a pratima that we love to decorate every year during our Durga pujo.
What started off as an act of self-determination by a motley crew of Bengalis in Cincinnati ten years ago, became an unstoppable juggernaut of cultural expressions in the ensuing years. Looking back, we think we were correct in choosing our motto: “Together We Can”.
We had our humble beginnings, like any other organization. We were content with a small idol for our celebrations, but we didn’t compromise on our festive spirit and enjoyment. It was sheer determination and self-belief that let us graduate in three years, from a boxed, framed idol of Ma Durga, to a pratima that we love to decorate every year during our Durga pujo.
It was that same determination and self-belief that helped us become a cultural organization with regular events like Saraswati Pujo, Barsho Baran, Picnic, Lakshmi Pujo and Sparsha, in addition to hosting our premiere event annually, which we call Cincinnati Durga Utsav.
While one can readily identify with our cultural events year round, Sparsha is a special occasion for our little ones to go and extend their love and admiration for the grand-parent figures residing at a local Senior Citizens’ home. Sparsha is held during Christmas, to show our love for those who are a huge part of our lives, yet, are far, far away.
While one can readily identify with our cultural events year round, Sparsha is a special occasion for our little ones to go and extend their love and admiration for the grand-parent figures residing at a local Senior Citizens’ home. Sparsha is held during Christmas, to show our love for those who are a huge part of our lives, yet, are far, far away.
Over the years, we had hosted Dance festivals during Durga Utsav, where our children demonstrated the art of classical, semi-classical and Bollywood dances. A few years ago, our young adults rehearsed and presented a historical play in impeccable Bengali, which had a newer interpretation of Mahabharata. Our men and women entertain us regularly with their performances in vocal renditions of traditional and popular songs, dance dramas, recitations and Bengali plays.
During our Durga Pujo celebrations in 2015, we played host to a group of differently-abled young adults from Bengaluru, who were touring the US on a fund-raising trip for their school.
Their presence provided an opportunity for all of us – especially our children -- to learn about and appreciate those who are different from us, and share with them, the joy of our festive season.
We have had representation nationally as well. Be it Naatok presentations at Banga Sammelan Atlantic City, Regional Bengali Conference Nashville or Bengali Association of Greater Chicago, Nritya-natyo at the Regional Bengali Conference, Nashville or Bangla Gaan at the Banga Mela Cincinnati, our members have enjoyed in entertaining their audiences everywhere.
We have had representation nationally as well. Be it Naatok presentations at Banga Sammelan Atlantic City, Regional Bengali Conference Nashville or Bengali Association of Greater Chicago, Nritya-natyo at the Regional Bengali Conference, Nashville or Bangla Gaan at the Banga Mela Cincinnati, our members have enjoyed in entertaining their audiences everywhere.
We have a professional singer, a literary editor, a movie producer and a movie actor in our midst, adding to the vibrancy of the organization. They reside among the abundance of other performers in our midst, who don’t get paid to share their passions with us.
As we prepare for our tenth anniversary bash, we could look back and rightfully claim – Together we achieved our dreams.
So, if you are new in town, and have an interest in exploiting your cultural appetite – c’mon over!!! Become a part of our organization, and nurture your talent with us. You’ll be surprised at the opportunities to brandish your art. We welcome you to volunteer, participate, connect with the community at CCI ! Make sure you join us in our celebrations for tenth anniversary of Cincinnati Durga Utsav.
As we prepare for our tenth anniversary bash, we could look back and rightfully claim – Together we achieved our dreams.
So, if you are new in town, and have an interest in exploiting your cultural appetite – c’mon over!!! Become a part of our organization, and nurture your talent with us. You’ll be surprised at the opportunities to brandish your art. We welcome you to volunteer, participate, connect with the community at CCI ! Make sure you join us in our celebrations for tenth anniversary of Cincinnati Durga Utsav.