Long after the Cincinnati Durga Utsav 2014 is over and memories start fading, the participants and their moms-dads-sons-daughters-cousins-nephews-nieces-friends-foes will relish the CDU 2014 brochure for years to come.
Other than the registrants' directory with contact details, which everybody finds immensely helpful when throwing parties by the way, the brochure is also an excellent compendium of community updates, literary work and art work.
So, find that Sunil Ganguly in you this weekend ! Or the Abanindranath in your kids ! Set some time aside to let your creative juices flow.... the last date for submission of all creative work for the brochure is September 10, 2014. Please submit via mail or in-person to Smita Sengupta.
Other than the registrants' directory with contact details, which everybody finds immensely helpful when throwing parties by the way, the brochure is also an excellent compendium of community updates, literary work and art work.
So, find that Sunil Ganguly in you this weekend ! Or the Abanindranath in your kids ! Set some time aside to let your creative juices flow.... the last date for submission of all creative work for the brochure is September 10, 2014. Please submit via mail or in-person to Smita Sengupta.