Back in India, we used to bring an end to the Durga Puja festivities with the chant of aashchhe bochhor aabaar hobey, before going back to the mundane affairs of daily life.
Here in US, with the concept of weekend puja we have the opportunity of chanting aashchhe soptahe aabaar hobey :-)
For folks living in Cincinnati and the surrounding areas, the multiple pujas over the Debipaksha weekends provide an opportunity to further lengthen the Durga Puja experience and do some pandal hopping reminescent of the good old days in Kolkata - and the invariable comparison from protima to mandap sajja to home-cooked food to the natok-naach o gaan-er programs to the atitheyota - that comes with it and goes on for days, long after the celebrations are over!
So, indulge yourslef, do some pandal hopping and enjoy some good times with your friends and families.
Maha Shashthi starts on Friday, October 3rd while Registration closes on October 2nd for the only, annual Durga Puja of Cincinnati.
[Our 2015 dates, if you want to note down are October 16, 17 & 18 next year. And yes, the venue remains unchanged!]
If you want to sign up for any volunteering activities and participate more actively than being a passive by-stander this year, please visit the volunteering page . here
Here in US, with the concept of weekend puja we have the opportunity of chanting aashchhe soptahe aabaar hobey :-)
For folks living in Cincinnati and the surrounding areas, the multiple pujas over the Debipaksha weekends provide an opportunity to further lengthen the Durga Puja experience and do some pandal hopping reminescent of the good old days in Kolkata - and the invariable comparison from protima to mandap sajja to home-cooked food to the natok-naach o gaan-er programs to the atitheyota - that comes with it and goes on for days, long after the celebrations are over!
So, indulge yourslef, do some pandal hopping and enjoy some good times with your friends and families.
Maha Shashthi starts on Friday, October 3rd while Registration closes on October 2nd for the only, annual Durga Puja of Cincinnati.
[Our 2015 dates, if you want to note down are October 16, 17 & 18 next year. And yes, the venue remains unchanged!]
If you want to sign up for any volunteering activities and participate more actively than being a passive by-stander this year, please visit the volunteering page . here