Hello all ! Thanks to all those folks who have already registered for our flagship event this year - the 9th Cincinnati Durga Utsav. Just a quick reminder to those interested in attending - our pre-registration rates are now open and will be effective till September 15. We request you to register at the earliest to take advantage of the pre-registration rates. You can register using our secure online payment options available in our website at www.cciorg.com.
The brochure that we publish during the event, is much sought after by the attendees. Printed in high-quality paper, it has several literary contributions from the community apart from the attendee directory. Thus far the print edition of the brochure was made available to the members only, while the rest of the community had access to the PDF version on our website for a limited time. This year, non-members can also order the brochure as part of the registration process and be a proud owner of one during and after the event is long over. Here is our 2014 brochure for you to check out:
The brochure that we publish during the event, is much sought after by the attendees. Printed in high-quality paper, it has several literary contributions from the community apart from the attendee directory. Thus far the print edition of the brochure was made available to the members only, while the rest of the community had access to the PDF version on our website for a limited time. This year, non-members can also order the brochure as part of the registration process and be a proud owner of one during and after the event is long over. Here is our 2014 brochure for you to check out:
Speaking of brochure, we are taking literary contributions from the community at this time. Please send over your short story, artwork, poem, essay or anything else that you want to share with the community to our brochure team leads. You can find the brochure team leads in our Durga Puja team web page here.
Last but not the least, if you want to actively participate in any of the organizing areas, please contact the team leads here ! We welcome anybody and everybody to be part of the process. We can guarantee that you will have an enlightening experience of what all goes on behind a successful event. Heck, you might even come to enjoy the controlled chaos, the meeting mayhem and the background bickering that are part of any democratic organization. At the end of which, we all stand tall and united as CCI family - steadfast in our objective of the only annual Durga Puja in Cincinnati and of course, all the socio-cultural activities through the year.
Last but not the least, if you want to actively participate in any of the organizing areas, please contact the team leads here ! We welcome anybody and everybody to be part of the process. We can guarantee that you will have an enlightening experience of what all goes on behind a successful event. Heck, you might even come to enjoy the controlled chaos, the meeting mayhem and the background bickering that are part of any democratic organization. At the end of which, we all stand tall and united as CCI family - steadfast in our objective of the only annual Durga Puja in Cincinnati and of course, all the socio-cultural activities through the year.